I have never felt a passion to live in consistent integrity as what I felt after doing these 6 weeks of study. As I looked at Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, my view on integrity changed quite a bit. I realized more than ever what we were here for and what I needed to be doing. The timing of this study was unbelievable and so God. We were facing a family decision as I began Daniel. I never stopped to think once that God would use this to answer our questions, but He did with resounding clearness. The answer stunned both Shawn and I. Not only was it not the answer we desired…it was one that we had determined was not an option. Isn’t that just like God? My life is a whole list of things that I said I would never do. I may share the details later, but for now I am just going to concentrate on the parts of the Daniel study that brought us here.
Two words that are still ringing in my ears from these 6 weeks are resolve and relevance. Daniel 1:8 says, “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself…” Beth reminds us over and over…
“We too will lose our identity and integrity without resolve… Godliness is never accidental, neither is victory coincidental. Both stem from up from daily resolve. The secret is consistency. The lifeblood of integrity is becoming the same person no matter where we are – no matter who is around… Daniel resisted Babylon’s poisonous charms on purpose. So must we… We will live lives of integrity on purpose or we will not do it at all.”I don’t have to give into every whim I feel or every pleasure I desire. I don’t have to eat from the world’s table. I can practice restraint. I can live with integrity. Even when no one else is watching…is it then God pays the most attention?
I was challenged by her words, “They (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) became culturally relevant without becoming spiritually irrelevant. Against all odds, they retained a God-centered worldview so that ultimately the world could view their God.” Amazing. Oh, that I would learn the same! Beth says,
“God’s desire is not for us to turn our churches and Christian gatherings into hideouts from the world. Rather, they’re meant to be places where we become equipped and fortified to minister out in the world. God desires for us to be light-bearers in this dark culture and to be highly effective fruit bearers for the glory of His Name. Can we be culturally relevant for the cause of Christ without becoming spiritually irrelevant? Can we serve the world in the name of Christ without becoming a servant to the world? Can we live in this excessive, self-absorbed culture without becoming corrupted by it?”Daniel is proof that it can be done, but it won’t be done on accident. And we don’t have to segregate ourselves to do it. We were placed in the time line, in this culture for a purpose. We have a job to do. We have been called to influence. I have often said I in a bubble…my world is my home and my church. God is popping my bubble. Lord, I welcome the popping...
Always the encourager, Beth reminds us, “God isn’t looking for perfection. He is looking for purity of heart, our authentic desire to do His will and give Him the glory.” This next quote sums up what I learned better than any other,
“The world can’t help noticing a life that seems to work. Our lives can become flesh and blood felt boards of the great and glorious paradox. Life is found by losing it for the sake of Christ. A vessel is filled by pouring out. The key to receiving is giving. The key to living is dying to self. The greatest in the kingdom is the servant of all. God has been right all along. His upside down path is the only way to true contentment and satisfaction.”I kneel in surrender and pray with Beth, “May God stir my remembrance with deep conviction should I forget.” Amen.