Check out Chloe in the background...she was the designer :)All done! I think we will call him Otis! :)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Carving the Pumpkin
Monday, October 29, 2007
No Shots Today
After devouring her cupcake on Saturday she woke up from her nap with 103 temp. It has yet to break although I have been able to keep it at a more comfortable temperature...more comfortable for me and her. Most likely just a virus and it will run its course. Poor little girl, though. She must think that being one isn't all its cracked up to be!
Just for the record, she is 19lbs and 3 ounces...her biggest weight jump yet. The girl likes to eat, but seems to have her Daddy's metabolism...humph...must be nice... :)
**Looking back at the pictures below, you can see in her eyes that she might not be feeling so good. :( **
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Birthday Continues...
Friday, October 26, 2007
She's One!!
We woke her up this morning by singing "Happy Birthday" to her. Summer had a birthday hat ready and waiting. All through the day the phone rang just for her and she received several emails...even her first instant message! I think she had a pretty good day!
And more celebrating coming tomorrow...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A What??
This morning, I was on the phone when Connor came running in, "Mommy, Chloe has a crapper!" Luckily, I was just hanging up anyway. "A what??" "A CRAPPER!!!" he shouts at me. I follow him quickly into the living room where I find Chloe happily chewing on a CRACKER. Whew! Its, OK...she can have a cracker!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pumpkin Patch
We looked hard for Chloe's...the smallest one we could find!
Monday, October 22, 2007
He's Home!!!!
He was not "held there". He stayed because the systems needed to be up by 7am this morning and they decided together to stay until it was done. His disposition is amazing to me. He is not upset in the least, just doing what needed to be done. Never once, through his emails or our one phone conversation did he complain. He kept saying, "I really am OK...I can't believe how good I am doing." I am praying he was a light in the office during this ordeal and that God was glorified. For after all, "Whatever you do, do enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men..." (Colossians3:23).
This morning, looking back, I am just really thankful. Thankful for the experience even. Not that it wasn't hard. The lack of the communication was very frustrating to me, and several times I hit my knees in near panic praying for Shawn to contact me. His cell phone dead, his office phone busy so I could only email. Sometimes 6 hours would go by before he would have a minute to email me back. My mind would wander to horrible things and all I could do was pray...why i was awake praying at 5:30 this morning. And my answer came as Shawn walked through the door! My life verse this weekend, "Don't worry about anything, but in everything through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God." (Philippians 4:6) Next to that verse in my Bible I have written, "God is all about prayer because He is all about relationships. Prayer not only builds our relationship with God, it builds our faith." And I can see both for this I am thankful.
I am also thankful that it was just a weekend. They have never seen a situation like this before and likely to not see it again. It is over. He is here sleeping. Not overseas....not without a job...not coming home. He is here. How can I not be thankful?
Thanks to those who prayed! It was such a great lesson, yet again, that God gives you whatever you need to get through that more, no less. I had just enough strength to make it here at home with the kids and Shawn had just what he needed to do what was required of him. God is amazingly faithful!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
About 12 Hours Later...
I will update when he is home...if you read this before then, please join me in praying for him. Pray that he can stay alert enough to function and resolve the issue. That it would be resolved soon so he can come home and get some sleep. I am sure he will have to back tomorrow to tie up loose ends (hopefully after that he will be able to get some comp time....he deserves it!)
Thank you!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The kids and I spent the day at Grandma and Grandpa's. They are now sound asleep after the big day and I, for some reason, am feeling a bit lonely. I miss silly as they may sound because he was just here this morning. I wish he was here now, not just for me, but for him. I know he must so tired. I have only talked to him via email today and he sounds good. He handles it all so well. I couldn't. Why I am here, I guess and he is there. I am so thankful for my husband who works so hard to support his family of 5...on one income. No small feat, I tell you!
I am also thankful he got done work on time yesterday and we were able to follow through with our family plans. We all had been looking forward to it all week and it was much needed! We took the kids to the zoo for "Spooktacular". It really isn't spooky at all...and we knew that or we would have never went. It was actually super cute. They had people dressed up throughout the park as zoo animals - nothing scary about it. (Other than the chicken brave son was scared of the chicken costume. Don't ask.) They had bouncy houses and treat stations all over the place (which had WAY better things than just candy - like free Frostie coupons!) The kids got extra wear out of the their costumes and had so much fun!
I would post pictures...but after getting batteries and all, I forgot the camera! I was so upset with myself. I love posting pictures on is all about the blog, you know. But now, you will just have to wait until Halloween to see what characters my kiddos are this year!
Thanks for keeping me company! I am off to find a good book!
Friday, October 19, 2007
A Real Post
Just thought I would do a "real" blog post and give you a little update on us...
Shawn's work schedule this week has had him out the door before the kids are up and home way after the kids are in bed. It all makes me have a fresh appreciation for single parents. I am making it through because I know we just have the weekend yet to get by "without" him and then things will be back to normal. It would take more strength than I have in me to make it like this all the time.
His late night hours have left me with some quiet evening hours to write out some of my thoughts on the tabernacle. There is so much more though! I warned you I was obsessed! :) Even when I am not studying the tabernacle, all Scripture keeps relating back to it in my head. It is all so interwoven. So huge. So many incomprehensible details. I keep finding more and yet know I am no where near close to discovering the meaning and purpose behind all of it. The Word of God truly is amazing! you like my new blog look? I have been contemplating changing it for awhile now... Granted, I can't pull away from the pink. You would think my girls' room and clothes and toys would be enough to satisfy my pink needs, but evidently not! :) I am a girly girl, what can I say?
We have some fun family time planned tonight...provided Shawn isn't working late. We are hoping, anyway! The kids really need some Daddy time and it will make for some cute pictures if it happens... :) Which reminds me, I need to get camera batteries!
Talk to y'all later!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Altar of Sacrifice
To behold the Bronze Altar, the altar of sacrifice, is to behold the cross of Christ. Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice was laid upon a wooden altar, “And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.” (Hebrews 10:10) This altar bears testimony that sin requires a payment but also that God has a plan. To come to this altar, repent of sin, accept the sacrifice is to obtain salvation. The Israelites made atonement daily. Christ, the perfect Lamb, did it once and for all. In Him our debt of sin is satisfied.
Just as clearly as Christ is seen in the sacrifice, He is also seen in every detail of the altar. The wood speaks of His humanity, the bronze the judgment He endured as He took our sins upon Him. As the blood covers the four corners of the altar, so His blood covers the four corners of the world. His sacrifice was for all. The horns secured the sacrifice to the altar; Christ was held to the cross by love but in doing so, secured our place in Heaven. He is the horn of our salvation! (Psalm 18:2) At the end, the priest pours out the blood at the base of the altar. “This is my blood covenant, which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:28) It covers. It atones. It is enough.
Still held captive by the altar, your knees begin to tremble. You can not walk any further into the tabernacle until you have bowed at this altar. You can not get any closer to God until you have knelt at the cross. Your sins are weighing heavy upon you. You can no longer stand. Falling to the ground you throw yourself upon the altar and cast your sins upon the Sacrifice. The fire consumes, the blood falls and you are forgiven.
As you turn from the altar you are changed…whether it is your first time or your fiftieth you can’t visit the cross and remain the same. It should have been you, but it wasn’t. The price has been paid. The sacrifice been made. “It is finished.” (John 19:30)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
by Matt Redman
Welcomed in to the courts of the King
I've been ushered in to Your presence
Lord, I stand on Your merciful ground
Yet with every step tread with reverence
And I'll fall facedown
As Your glory shines around
Yes, I'll fall facedown
As Your glory shines around
Who is there in the heavens like You?
And upon the earth, who's Your equal?
You are far above, You're the highest of heights
We are bowing down to exalt You
So let Your glory shine around
Let Your glory shine around
King of glory, here be found
King of glory
In my study of the Tabernacle, I have been left facedown like never before. I am completely blown away by His greatness…His consistency…His persistence. That He would welcome one such as me into His Presence leaves me with no words…only tears. Even now they stream down my face as I try to put some sort of description to what my heart feels. This may ring meaningless to anyone except me, but I have to write…I have to write something.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing like the Presence of God. It is so available, so attainable…and yet I struggle to find the time to just sit…sit in Him. I long for the day when my flesh will be gone and I can know nothing except Him.
Exodus 33 echoes my heart cry. It begins with God telling Moses that the Israelites will be going to the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey, but God will not be accompanying them. The people mourned and Moses interceded. He begged of God, “If your presence does not go…don’t make us go up from here.” (Exodus 33:15)
It wasn’t enough to be given God’s gifts or receive His promises. Victory over enemies, food from Heaven, led by an angel of God yet Moses needed more. He would not be satisfied with anything less than God Himself. If God was missing, the Promised Land meant nothing. It wasn’t worth another step if God wasn’t going with them. So Moses humbled Himself and pleaded…begged even.
And God agrees to go with the Israelites. But still, amazingly enough, Moses was not satisfied. I can almost hear his desperation, “Please, let me see Your glory.” (Exodus 33:18) And God complied, “I will cause all My goodness to pass in front of you.” (Exodus 33:19) Can you imagine?
Can you imagine experiencing God’s glory, experiencing what makes Him God alone? I imagine His glory is found in His Presence and so in His Presence I seek to be.
Oh, Lord, do you hear my own beggar’s heart pleading? I don’t want to go another moment without your Presence. I won’t take another step without You meeting me here. I need You, Lord, more than I need Your blessings!
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness because they will be filled.” (Matthew 5:6)
“Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness…” (Hebrews 4:14).
Let us not forget for a moment that it is because of Jesus. It is through Him, represented in the Tabernacle, that God dwelt with the Israelites and it is through Him on the cross that we can dwell with God forever. It is only because of Him that we are welcomed into God’s courts, welcomed further into the Holy Place. He ripped through the veil so that we could know the Holy of Holies. We can see God’s glory, experience His Presence…and fall facedown.
Monday, October 15, 2007
My friend Tara posted this on her blog and I found it amazing! I just had to share it. Unfortunately, it got the best of me when I was trying to embed the video on here, so I will just have to share the link.
I have so much more to say about this! Ahhh...if only I had the time to write now. I have so many thoughts on worship swirling around in my head! Expect to hear more about this soon! :) Until then I will leave you with this...
(I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. It is only about 3 minutes long.)
Friday, October 12, 2007
Oh, Pickles!
Last night at our picnic, we decided to let Chloe have her first taste of pickles...
Picnic at the Park
"Pray For Me, Mommy"
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Day at the Zoo
Here are some pics from the day:
She was so excited to see the animals!
Whatever works! :)
Sweet Mrs. Beth
What they were looking at
Love the giraffe exhibit
Checking each other outConnor loved the fish...I have seen prettier
Trying to get the...
And you can't leave a FL zoo without seeing one of these